Question: I want to publish my research paper. How can I submit it?
Answer: The authors should submit their paper as an email attachment to the following e-mail address:

Question: What is the editorial processing time?
Answer: Plant Science Archives aims to process the paper as rapidly as possible. Generally, the peer-review process might take 2 weeks. In addition, the revision of manuscript by the authors and subsequent type-setting may take 1-2 weeks.

Question: How can I format the paper according to the journal style.
Answer: Please follow author instruction for reference style and text format.

Question: Do I need to submit a the copyright agreement along with the manuscript.
Answer: Yes, please download the copyright agreement and send it along with the manuscript by email.

Question: When should I get the acceptance letter of my manuscript?
Answer: Once your manuscript is considered for publication by the editorial board, you will receive a formal acceptance letter signed by the Editor in Chief.

Question: When should I pay the publication fee (if any)?
Answer: Once your paper is considered for publication by the editorial board, the Editor in Chief will send you a formal invoice for payment.

Question: How many issues are published in a year?
Answer: We aim to publish 12 issues per year. However, we follow continuous publication of the manuscript. Therefore, the authors do not need to wait long for the next issue/month.

Question: Is there a print version of the journal?
Answer: Plant Science Archives is an open-access journal. Authors keep the right to print their manuscript as they want. Nowadays, most of the renowned journals avoid hard copy version.