Plant Science Archives

An International Journal of Plant Biology

Plant Science Archives ISSN 2518-6965 (Online) is an international journal that publishes fundamental and applied works in different areas of Plant Biology. Plant Science Archives is dedicated to fostering progress in plant biology. We are committed to ensuring unrestricted access to our articles, facilitating the dissemination of scientific knowledge to both researchers and the general public. This approach is aimed at empowering future scientific breakthroughs in the field and accepts original research articles, review articles, and short communications. When submitting a manuscript to Plant Science Archives, authors are required to submit their work directly to a specific specialty section. The manuscript will undergo a peer-review process, which is conducted by the Associate and Review Editors of that particular specialty section.


Plant nutrition, plant molecular genetics, plant biodiversity, plant physiology, agronomy, plant tissue culture, heavy metal tolerance in plants, abiotic stress tolerance, crop science, biofortification, plant pathology, the environmental biology of plants, plant biotechnology, cellular and molecular plant biology, Plant Cell Biology, plant proteomics, photobiology,  plant ecology, plant genetics, crop physiology, plant breeding, plant biotechnology, plant growth and development.

Plant Science Archive

Aims and Objectives

An essential criterion for publication in Plant Science Archives is the significant advancement of scientific knowledge. All papers should pose and test a significant hypothesis or answer an important question that is relevant to basic issues of plant science. We appreciate mechanistic, novel and application-based papers that are of general importance.

Plant Science Archives is dedicated to advancing the field of plant science by disseminating high-quality, peer-reviewed research. Our primary aim is to publish innovative and impactful studies that contribute to the advancement of various aspects of plant science, including agriculture, botany, horticulture, and plant physiology. We strive to provide a platform for scientists, researchers, and practitioners to share their findings, methodologies, and insights with the global scientific community. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, we encourage the integration of diverse scientific approaches to address complex challenges in plant science.

For Manuscript Submission
