Plant Science Archives publishes original research papers, review articles and short-communication. Submission of a manuscript cannot be under consideration by any other journals, and no part has been published elsewhere, with the exception of a short abstract. All of the authors have to be aware of the submission.
Manuscript preparation:
Manuscripts should be typewritten on an A4 sheet having ‘1.5’ line-spacing throughout the text. The margins should be 2.54cm (1inch) in all sides and page number should be should be consecutively on the bottom of the page. The manuscript should be written in Arial style using ’12’ font size.
For original research paper, the manuscript should be arranged in the following order: Title page (Title, Full Author name, Author affiliate address & email of corresponding author), Abstract, keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion (this section may be combined with results), Acknowledgements, References, Tables with legends, Figures with legends and Supplementary materials (if applicable).
Original research paper must be novel and concisely writing within 10,000 words.
Reviews of up to 11,000 words provide a broad overview of a subject, by bringing together data from different fields and organisms, whereas shorter ones of up to 4,000 words can be more focused on a particular topic. Note that word counts exclude the title page, summary, references, figure legends and boxes.
Short Communications are short, hypothesis-driven and self-contained piece of original research and/or concept based on existing research within 3,000 words.
The title page should contain the title, the name(s) of the author(s), the name(s) and address(es) of the institution(s) where the work was carried out, including a valid e-mail address for the corresponding author along with telephone and fax numbers. The Title of the manuscript should be specific and concise (maximum 20 words) but sufficiently informative.
The abstract should not exceed ‘250’ words and it should contain brief summary of findings and conclusions of the study.
Authors should include no more than four keywords for the article.
Abbreviation should be given in the text for long chemical names or other biological terms on the first mention (e.g. DNA, PCR, NAA, PEG).
Scientific names should be complete and italics (genus, species, and authority, and cultivar where appropriate) for every organism at the first mention. The generic name can be abbreviated from second times. In addition, gene name must be italics.
Units of measurement for this journal should be metric system
Nomenclature for genes and proteins must follow international standards. All gene symbol and loci should be in italics and capital. All chemical, biochemical, and molecular biology nomenclature should be followed by IUBMB recommendation ( Database for gene or protein sequence or others should be given reference according to EMBL; GenBank, or the Protein Data Bank.
Tables should be placed at the end of the manuscript and should be numbered in Arabic numerals with a concise and descriptive legend at the head. They should be cited in the text where necessary.
Figures should be clear, informative and placed at the end of manuscript. Each figure should be clearly labeled using Arabic numbers with precise legends. Figure should be referred to in the text (e.g. Fig. 1. or Fig. 1A.). The minimum resolution for the figures should be 300dpi (dots per inch).
Statistical analysis is to be done if necessary. Biological data without statistical analysis cannot be accepted.
References should be accurate and descriptive as instructed below:
Citation of the reference must be accurate and relevant (For example: Peter, 2005; Alam and Kabir, 2002; Thomas et al., 2001).
In the list, references must be placed in alphabetical order without serial numbering. Only papers published or in press should be cited in the literature list.
This journal is registered to CrossRef. Please add the DOI number (where available) at the end of each papers used in reference. For example: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2014.11.011
Journal name cannot be abbreviated or italics. The correct example is: Environmental and Experimental Botany
Citation of references should be followed like below:
John H. 1999. Current status of the gene-for-gene concept. Annual Review of Phytopathology 9, 257–296.
Bari R, Jones JD. 2009. Role of plant hormones in plant defense responses. Plant Molecular Biology 69, 473–488.
Gachon CM, Langlois M, Saindrenan P. 2005. Plant secondary metabolism glycosyltransferases: The emerging functional analysis. Trends in Plant Science 10, 542–549.
Huynh BL. 2008. Genetic characterization and QTL mapping for grain fructan in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). PhD thesis, University of Adelaide, Australia, p. 17–35.
Jiang Q, Gresshoff PM. 1993. Lotus japonicus: a model plant for structure–function analysis in nodulation and nitrogen fixation. In: Gresshoff PM, Ed. Current topics of plant molecular biology, Vol. II. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, p. 97–110.
Rose JKC, Catala C, Gonzalez-Carranza CZH, Roberts JA. 2003. Plant cell wall disassembly. In: Rose JKC, Ed. The plant cell wall. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd., p. 264–324.
Unpublished results, including submitted manuscripts and those in preparation, should be cited as unpublished in the text. Journal titles should not be abbreviated but be given in full. Citation of articles from e-journals and journal articles published ahead of print should have the author names, year, manuscript title, journal title, volume number and page number. Citation of other URL addresses is suggested to avoid.
Authors will receive published article as portable document format (PDF) file. Please note that no printed hard copy will be sent to authors.